Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Music Speaks When Words Can't

Music isn't just something we listen to everyday, it's a way for people to connect and express themselves. It's an outlet, it's inspiration, and it's appreciated by different people for different reasons. With so many genres of music out there, we all have our opinions, but no one's opinion is wrong. It's music, and I think sometimes people forget that when they tell someone their music preference is "stupid" or "bad". There's no right or wrong in music. A friend of mine named Leah responds to this by saying, "Different people enjoy different things. It's called an opinion, and everyone is entitled to one." 
"In my opinion," says Katie Treadaway, "It is one of the strongest moving forces our world has at our disposal, and we don't take advantage of it. Many people lack the means to express themselves positively. Perhaps if they had access to music, our world would be a better place."
Music has the power to bring people closer together and it's one thing that most everyone has in common with each other. I asked Leah why music was so important to her and this is what she said, "It's basically the thing that keeps me sane. it changes moods, ideas, opinions, etc. Music makes the world better."
Obviously music is important in society and it seems to me that it's always been this way. Music is heard wherever you go; In the background in a store, in the elevator, in the car on the drive to school. You can't escape it. Music is powerful and I think sometimes we take that for granted.
I have many favorite artists, but I decided to narrow it down to just three. So without further ado, my top three picks, in order, for my favorite artists:

1. Ed Sheeran

For Ed Sheeran, it's all about the music. He performs for the love of music and for the fans. He's incredibly talented and can play a variety of music. With over 5.5 million fans at the age of 22, Ed Sheeran has come very far from when he first started his career at just the young age of 14. It was a long journey, but recently he's become very successful. What makes me love Ed so much, besides his undeniable talent, is his generous and kind nature. With all that fame, you would think it would've gone to his head already like it has to so many other artists, but it seems as if Ed's the same guy he was 8 years ago when he started. On one tour date, Ed even bought a bunch of the tickets for the front rows and pit seats and gave them out to fans who didn't have any tickets but were standing outside the venue, devotedly cheering him on anyway. (Besides, his fans are called Sheerios! What's not to love?)
Favorite Sheeran song: Wake Me Up

2. Mike Rosenberg (Passenger)

A friend and opening act of Sheeran's, Mike Rosenberg, better known as Passenger, also has amazing talent as well. His voice is so unique and his music speaks volumes. With all the songs about being in love today, it's refreshing to hear songs about things that are going on in people's everyday lives, and this is usually what Mike sings about. I personally love his music, but his unique style is certainly not for everyone. However, he was an easy choice for this list.
Favorite Passenger song: Heart's On Fire

3. Nina Nesbitt

This Scottish singer has a gorgeous voice and plays the guitar and keyboard particularly well. Her music, like Passenger's, is a unique style that I love. As a young artist, she's very inspiring. Nina writes her own music and lyrics and performs very naturally. I recommend Nina to anyone who's looking for upcoming artists as well as to venture out genre-wise.
Favorite Nina song: Jessica