Monday, August 20, 2012

My First Post!

This is going to be a really fun and exciting project for me. Writing has always been one of my favorite things to do, so this could help me put my thoughts into words and share what I'm feeling with people who read this.
First, a little about me:
Writing is something that has always interested me. Usually what I write are fictional stories or song lyrics. I love writing a lot because I get to create my own little world in a story and choose what happens to the characters. It's a nice way to escape my own life even for just a little while and use my imagination.
Something else I love is music. My all time favorite singer has to be Ed Sheeran and one of my favorite bands is Coldplay.

Second, I've thought long and hard about what my blog will be about. It was a really tough decision and this post was difficult for me to make. It took me forever to think of what I want to actually write about. I wasn't sure what I should say at first and finally I decided that it didn't have to be about one specific thing. This blog is going to be about my life altogether. I'll take you through my day and post observations I make throughout it. I'm not usually very good about sharing my feelings or thoughts with people, but I think this will help me express myself better.

Last, I'd like to thank everyone who is following and reading this. I think I'll have fun writing this blog and I hope you enjoy reading it! Feel free to give me feedback, comments, or anything else to help me with my writing.


  1. Hannah, I really like the fact that you're writing this blog about what is going on in your life! Everyone has different stories to tell, and I'm excited to hear about yours! :)

  2. This blog looks like it will be super interesting. I am sure that writing the posts will get easier as you go. I am also very impressed with your gammar and spelling; it makes your blog very easy to read. Also, I like the new font.
